H.H Karmapa在2014年7月30日於尼泊爾旭光寺交 付說:「我們要依照H.H. Shamarpa之遺願,全力做好仁波切交給我們的未來 計劃。」並說:「我很想去台灣花蓮!」
Karmapa並且指示,台中菩提道中心做好「Dana 普濟」網站 ,宣傳噶瑪噶舉之傳承與現在之法務,於Shamarpa 荼毗(火化)當日,亦即釋迦牟尼佛初轉法輪曰,7月31 日,公告信眾。
其中內容亦有念誦阿彌陀佛心咒,祈求Shamarpa乘 願再來之咒數累計,敬請大家參閱支持!
Dana 普濟網址:
http:// www.bodhipath-dana.com/
On 30 July 2014, in Sharminub Monestary H.H.Karmapa said to me "We have to fulfill H.H. Shamarpa's wishes and execute Shamarpa's unfinished business." He further said "I want to go to Hualien (Taiwan) "
Karmapa's dharma spreading tour in Taiwan, schedule as shown.
Karmapa also instructed "Dana", website of Bodhi Path Taichung Center , to be used as a channel for Karma Kagyu Lineage and its dharma activities .
" Dana " website was launched on 31 July , the day of Shamarpa's holy cremation ceremony, and also auspicious day of Shakyamuni Buddha's First Turning of the Dharma Wheel .
"Dana" also provides a platform for online chanting of sacred mantra of Buddha Amitabha . Praying for Shamarpa's swift return with collective and accumulative chanting .
We sincerely wish participation from everyone of you!
Dana website
http:// www.bodhipath-dana.com/
Dana 普濟網址:
On 30 July 2014, in Sharminub Monestary H.H.Karmapa said to me "We have to fulfill H.H. Shamarpa's wishes and execute Shamarpa's unfinished business." He further said "I want to go to Hualien (Taiwan) "
Karmapa's dharma spreading tour in Taiwan, schedule as shown.
Karmapa also instructed "Dana", website of Bodhi Path Taichung Center , to be used as a channel for Karma Kagyu Lineage and its dharma activities .
" Dana " website was launched on 31 July , the day of Shamarpa's holy cremation ceremony, and also auspicious day of Shakyamuni Buddha's First Turning of the Dharma Wheel .
"Dana" also provides a platform for online chanting of sacred mantra of Buddha Amitabha . Praying for Shamarpa's swift return with collective and accumulative chanting .
We sincerely wish participation from everyone of you!
Dana website