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節錄自2014.12.08 尊貴的 第十七世噶瑪巴花蓮佛學講座,主題為 [ 覺性的重要 Importance of Mindfulness ]
影片來源:2014 噶瑪巴台灣弘法開示義賣光碟,《台中市菩提道佛協會》發行。
Video source: His Holiness Karmapa's public dharma talk during His 2014 visit to Taiwan. Bodhi Path Taichung Center.
影片來源:2014 噶瑪巴台灣弘法開示義賣光碟,《台中市菩提道佛協會》發行。
Video source: His Holiness Karmapa's public dharma talk during His 2014 visit to Taiwan. Bodhi Path Taichung Center.