[My retreat at Nepal earlier this year] was to practice Amitabha Buddha prayer. His Holiness Shamarpa
Rimpoche [here on refer to as "Rimpoche"] had asked me to do the retreat at Pharping(where Guru Padmasambhava and Marpa once lived, Rimpoche also has a retreat room here ), but he changed our plan at the last minute. Since this retreat holds a significant meaning for my future, he said that I should go to his newly-built monastery named Shar Minub Monastery["Shar" means "to rise", "Nub" means "to set", and "Mi" means "no". Therefore "Shar Minub" means "to rise, but not to set."] This monastery is located at a mountain named Nagarjuna Hill where Sakyamuni Buddha and Bodhisattva Manjushri gave numerous Mahayana and Vajrayana teachings. Closed-by is a holy place called "Lam-Ri-Rum-De". Four kilometers from here, one can see Swayambhunath Stupa which means self-rising stupa. This particular stupa is rumored to be Kassapa Buddha's and is also one of the three major stupas of Kathmundu Valley. (Note: the other is Boudhanath, built by Guru Padmasambhava and his mother. The other is Namo Buddha Stupa or "Tak-Mo-Lu-Jin" in Tibetan, built to commemorate Buddha Shakyamuni's act of compassion while encountering a hungry mother tigress. He offered his body to nourish her so that she could have strength to feed her cubs.)