Dear Dharma friends,

I have the privilege and honour to follow His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa and Shamarpa's guidance, and became a Buddhist monk in Bodhgaya in 2007. Subsequently I was given the task to set up and run the Bodhipath Buddhist center in Taichung in 2008, the aim of the center is to spread Buddha dharma teaching, learning the bodhisattva way by adopting the Bodhisattva's attitude, develop wisdom and practice to experience a clear and unobstructed nature of mind.

I have also started producing TV programs about Dharma teaching on Taiwan Dharma TV station since 2012, the topics cover teaching of Karma Kagyu lineage, Bodhicitta and other Dharma knowledge.

In 2013 I was assigned to be responsible for Dharma practice and teaching by Karmapa and Shamarpa in our new monastery in Hualian, Taiwan; from 2014 regular puja and events will be organised in both monasteries in Hualian and Taichung, including regular Nyongye practice (thousand arm chenrezig fasting program) White Tara Retreat as well as other retreat programs in the pipeline.

With pleasure I am producing these DVDs for distribution and sharing, I would appreciate any comment or feedback you might have for future improvement. In this trouble time we are most fortunate this auspicious teaching come to light, may the precious teachings radiate and flourish, may we bring forth our full effort together to work for a better future.

You are also welcome to visit our Google Blog: http:/

2014年1月8日 星期三


HH 17th Karmapa Teachings on Samantabhadra , King of Aspiration Prayers- Offering

廣修供養,分二:一,世間。二,出世間。無論世出世間供養,於供養時,只宜制心一處,不要懷疑與期待任何功德。 一,世間供養:以恭敬心,觀想所供實物,變得極其莊嚴。 二,出世供養,例如曼荼羅供養,觀念境界莊嚴。此又為禪定之淨觀。

There are two kinds of Offering, one is Worldly and the other one is OtherWorldly. Regardless of which one of Offerings, it has to be with absolute concentration of mind, and neither with doubt nor expecting any gains or rewards.1) Worldly Offering, visualize the tangible offerings in solemn way. 2) OtherWorldly Offering, for instance Mandala Offering, visualization of settings and environment in extreme solemn. This is Visualization of Meditation .


HH 17th Karmapa Teachings on Samantabhadra , King of Aspiration Prayers - Confession


The Three Poisons, Attachment, Aversion and Delusion is the root cause of Emotions. If you can focus and put emotions under close scrutiny, you would understand the three Poisons is source of all evils. Regular practice of Vipassana will gradually reduce and eventually purify the three Poisons.


Without continuous bitter cold, there would be no fragrant plum blossom. It is especially true in path of Dharma spreading

Similarly, a Quote by John Vance Cheney, "The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears". It tells us the significance of adversity.