DANA 網站-法王來台最新消息
大寶法王十一月底即將來台,我們網站也不停止的在推陳出新,諸如 : 網站提醒 大家念彌陀心咒,其咒語數目也近1000萬遍,努力迎請夏瑪巴乘願速回。法王來台行程表更新。對法會FAQ(常見問題解答)。法王追認夏瑪巴對花蓮中心的命名。和法王宣傳活動短片等等。
Dear All Dharma Friends,
His Holiness Karmapa's Taiwan Visit (late November to early December) just around the corner . Our DANA Website has undergone lots of updates , to keep you well informed of latest news and developments. For instances, Online Chanting for Swift Return of Shamar Rinpoche which we are very close to the target of 10 million ; updated Program of events ; FAQ for those who would like to participate in events , His Holiness Karmapa named Hualien center as East Yangpachen Monastery ; His Holiness Karmapa 's promotional videos etc.
His Holiness Karmapa's Taiwan Visit (late November to early December) just around the corner . Our DANA Website has undergone lots of updates , to keep you well informed of latest news and developments. For instances, Online Chanting for Swift Return of Shamar Rinpoche which we are very close to the target of 10 million ; updated Program of events ; FAQ for those who would like to participate in events , His Holiness Karmapa named Hualien center as East Yangpachen Monastery ; His Holiness Karmapa 's promotional videos etc.
Your feedbacks and suggestions are welcome!