Dear Dharma friends,

I have the privilege and honour to follow His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa and Shamarpa's guidance, and became a Buddhist monk in Bodhgaya in 2007. Subsequently I was given the task to set up and run the Bodhipath Buddhist center in Taichung in 2008, the aim of the center is to spread Buddha dharma teaching, learning the bodhisattva way by adopting the Bodhisattva's attitude, develop wisdom and practice to experience a clear and unobstructed nature of mind.

I have also started producing TV programs about Dharma teaching on Taiwan Dharma TV station since 2012, the topics cover teaching of Karma Kagyu lineage, Bodhicitta and other Dharma knowledge.

In 2013 I was assigned to be responsible for Dharma practice and teaching by Karmapa and Shamarpa in our new monastery in Hualian, Taiwan; from 2014 regular puja and events will be organised in both monasteries in Hualian and Taichung, including regular Nyongye practice (thousand arm chenrezig fasting program) White Tara Retreat as well as other retreat programs in the pipeline.

With pleasure I am producing these DVDs for distribution and sharing, I would appreciate any comment or feedback you might have for future improvement. In this trouble time we are most fortunate this auspicious teaching come to light, may the precious teachings radiate and flourish, may we bring forth our full effort together to work for a better future.

You are also welcome to visit our Google Blog: http:/

2014年11月20日 星期四


Promotion activities for His Holiness Taiwan Visit . For more details of the Visit, please go to our DANA website

His Holiness will be coming to Taiwan next Friday.

His Holiness will be coming to Taiwan next Friday. 
You are cordially invited to this extraordinary week with His Holiness. For more details, please visit our DANA website


His Holiness and Sang Sang Rinpoche , gave me lot of encouragements and guidance for the upcoming "Lotus Hall" Taiwan Event . And stressed the importance of having concerted efforts from harmonious relationship with all parties.
Hope everyone would cherish the Event as every activity in the Program is extremely auspicious and meritorious !

Karmapa interview for hualien

Interview for taiwan

The latest news of HH Karmapa Taiwan Visit in 2014

The latest news of HH Karmapa Taiwan Visit in 2014

2014年11月16日 星期日


Snapshots on making of blessed Mahakala vases for 2014 HH Karmapa's Taiwan Visit. Beside lamas chanting and with auspicious materials , they will all be placed in Venue of Empowerments which will be blessed by HH Karmapa. Every single one of them is extremely precious!

DANA 網站-法王來台最新消息

DANA 網站-法王來台最新消息
大寶法王十一月底即將來台,我們網站也不停止的在推陳出新,諸如 : 網站提醒 大家念彌陀心咒,其咒語數目也近1000萬遍,努力迎請夏瑪巴乘願速回。法王來台行程表更新。對法會FAQ(常見問題解答)。法王追認夏瑪巴對花蓮中心的命名。和法王宣傳活動短片等等。
Dear All Dharma Friends,
His Holiness Karmapa's Taiwan Visit (late November to early December) just around the corner . Our DANA Website has undergone lots of updates , to keep you well informed of latest news and developments. For instances, Online Chanting for Swift Return of Shamar Rinpoche which we are very close to the target of 10 million ; updated Program of events ; FAQ for those who would like to participate in events , His Holiness Karmapa named Hualien center as East Yangpachen Monastery ; His Holiness Karmapa 's promotional videos etc.
Your feedbacks and suggestions are welcome!




Interview for taiwan

我願 ! 二位法王永恆加持我,一切法友鼓勵指教我。
His Holiness Karmapa has Boundary less Wisdom and Vision . The recognition of Karmapa and Shamar Rinpoche is the greatest encouragement that I ever have , and it is also my biggest responsibility !
I Wish! The two His Holiness would give their blessings to me forever , and all dharma friends would encourage me!

Karmapa interview for hualien

Since Shamar Rinpoche passed away, this is the very first video shooting His Holiness Karmapa shouldering Karma Kagyu activities alone, it expresses His kindness and love to sentient beings.
In the past few months, He had been to Singapore , Indonesia, France, and now being invited by Hualien and Changhua county Governors , will visit Taiwan benefiting all beings. Stay tuned with further news and let's share the joy of dharma !

花蓮「生活禪」 Hualien Center Meditation

參 !
Meditation is a wonderful way of waking up to your life .
Our modern life is filled with rush and busy schedules, we are in need of a moment of serenity and concentration.
Meditation class was held in Hualien Center ---
Classic Zen "provoking" question :
"Who was I before I was born?"


今年初,和花蓮縣府邀請Shamar仁波切赴花蓮修法灌頂一事,仁波切還詼諧的說:“我不可能去了!噶瑪巴從印度赴台灣比較近,請噶瑪巴去。” 事後的聯繫,他說不用再告訴他了。只需告訴噶瑪巴就好了。
Bodhisattva's manifestation can be in various ways , and experience varies for every being. As what Lotus Sutra says "Bodhisattva will manifest in a form which meets the different needs of each individual "
Shamar Rinpoche is human form of Bodhisattva manifestation. It is true Before and After His Nirvana
At end of 2013, after I completed Nyungnay Retreat in Sharminub , I went to KIBI and met Jigme Rinpoche . He told me plan and arrangement for what I have to further study and the future direction, I got the "unusual" feeling because it was used to be Sharmar Rinpoche instructed me.
At the beginning of this year, I mentioned to Shamar Rinooche about the Event I organized with Hualien Municipal Government inviting Him for Empowerment, Shamar Rinpoche humorously said "I cannot go! Karmapa is much closer to Taiwan from India, please invite Him to go. And any future updates or instructions and advice you need. you don't have to report to me you can directly seek instructions from Karmapa."
In 2010, I was in Sharminub for Amitabha and Powa Retreat. At the critical moment of success, fontanel was swollen and in pain. Shamar Rinpoche was very pleased encouraging me I did it right and telling other students I succeeded in Powa. However, I know well beside my undivided concentration , the success was all attributed to His blessings.
The heart of His Holiness hanging on the physical form of the four elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Wind). At the start of the day, Shamar Rimpoche was always full of energy dealing with extreme hectic work schedules , and everything was so well planned and coordinated with His superb and extraordinary ability. At the end of the day, He did show tiredness when He was back to His lodging . Amazingly , after a freshen-up shower , He could be back to His never-get-exhausted spirit and worked vigorously till 2-3 in the morning. Then, wake-up before 5 in the morning to start a new day with His usual energetic spirit for Dharma Protector puja , His chanting was fiercely loud and as quick as gusty wind which not many Lamas could catch up.
Rinpoche did not have a fixed and permanent assistant following Him, He was always on His own traveling through dharma . In the world of monstrous chaos, He never needed a company, He could fearlessly conquer anything alone with His wisdom and decisive action. Sometimes with sense of humor , sometimes with compassion. On the other hand , He could also be very brutally true . All these various ways are meant for teaching different beings with different needs.
When He was back in His Sharminub Monastery, Retreat Lamas welcomed Him with reverence . Rinpoche would care deeply about their wellbeing, and also carefully point out what they had to pay attention and areas need to get improved in their practice.
Leaning on the stony door , monitoring the progress of re-planting trees , overseeing Kathmandu and snowy white Himalaya mountains , what was hidden inside His eyes was a huge and selfless mission He was shouldering .
Behind a perfect and flawless plan , He gone without trace unless there is special karmic bonds for His Return. Never wish it would be like a Chinese poem says about a yellow crane departed without trace and gone forever , what left is only sky with clouds for over centuries.
Sandalwood fire is seven times burning hot than ordinary wood. Thus, it is unimaginable how it would be for a Bodhisattva's fire of wisdom!
Holy Relics of Shamar Rinpoche being collected for future merits of sentient beings.
The outward appearance of Holy Relics of Buddha Shakyamuni is a physical form, however its perfect and accumulated merits is beyond one can imagine and measure!
Even though I had not seen all the auspicious signs after your Nirvana, your life which I had witnessed personally is more than enough to be a guiding compass for directing me to where I shall be heading to.
This is what I know and believe:
Return upon Wish is Thy Oath!
I Shall Follow Thee whithersoever!

我們要依照H.H. Shamarpa之遺願,全力做好仁波切交給我們的未來計劃。

H.H Karmapa在2014年7月30日於尼泊爾旭光寺交付說:「我們要依照H.H. Shamarpa之遺願,全力做好仁波切交給我們的未來計劃。」並說:「我很想去台灣花蓮!」
Karmapa並且指示,台中菩提道中心做好「Dana普濟」網站 ,宣傳噶瑪噶舉之傳承與現在之法務,於Shamarpa荼毗(火化)當日,亦即釋迦牟尼佛初轉法輪曰,7月31日,公告信眾。
Dana 普濟網址:

On 30 July 2014, in Sharminub Monestary H.H.Karmapa said to me "We have to fulfill H.H. Shamarpa's wishes and execute Shamarpa's unfinished business." He further said "I want to go to Hualien (Taiwan) "
Karmapa's dharma spreading tour in Taiwan, schedule as shown.
Karmapa also instructed "Dana", website of Bodhi Path Taichung Center , to be used as a channel for Karma Kagyu Lineage and its dharma activities .
" Dana " website was launched on 31 July , the day of Shamarpa's holy cremation ceremony, and also auspicious day of Shakyamuni Buddha's First Turning of the Dharma Wheel .
"Dana" also provides a platform for online chanting of sacred mantra of Buddha Amitabha . Praying for Shamarpa's swift return with collective and accumulative chanting .
We sincerely wish participation from everyone of you!

Dana website


Holy Cremation Ceremony of H.H. Shamarpa on auspicious day of Buddha turned First Wheel of Dharma
Holy cremation ceremony of His Holiness Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche was conducted today . It was led by His Holiness Karmapa and many high Lamas representing different lineages. Dedication of merits from all the pujas for swift return of Shamarpa , benefiting all sentient beings.

Dana 普濟網站面世-Dana Website Launched

Dana 普濟網站面世-Dana Website Launched
"Dana" is the official Website for Bodhi Path Taichung Center and Hualien Center. The Website is named by His Holiness the 17th Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje. Dana means 'Giving or Generosity' of something helpful to others. Like its name, we wish the Website can serve the purpose of spreading (giving) the most precious and invaluable thing in the World -- Buddhism Dharma to everyone . And we looking forward to have your supports and comments regarding the Website , Bodhi Path Taichung Center and Hualien Center.
In Dana, we provided a platform for counting Online Chanting , facilitating and encouraging we being dedicated disciples and followers of H.H. 14th Shamarpa chanting collectively for His swift return .
Here I would like to especially express my sincere "Thank You" to those who had been paying tireless efforts and burning midnight oils in the last couples of months for the development of Dana . Dana could not have been launched without their professionalism , expertise and persistent efforts.
普濟(Dana) 是菩提道台中中心和花蓮中心之官方網站。網站名字乃由十七世大寶法王所贈予。 Dana 意指六度波羅密中的布施波羅密,藉此希望本站能帶給眾生世間最寶貴的佛,和未來能得到眾人支持,一同廣行財施,無畏施,法施等佛行事業。

千山萬水,佛力不可思議。 障礙重重,我師遊戲神通。

Massive obstacles and challenges. Finally arrived . It not only shows the unimaginable and unspeakable blessings , but also reveals how Master travels with ease .

旭光寺-荼毗之處和舍利塔 Shar Minub Monestary Cremation and Stupa

During Shamarpa's lifetime, one of His major works was Shar Minub Monestary. Rinpoche had dedicated all His life and everything for Buddhism and sentient beings . Shar Minub is also the place for cremation ceremony and Stupa for Rinpoche's relic.


Resident monks in Shar Minub Monestary are practicing as what they have always been doing.


Shar Minub Monestary is crowded with Nepalese devotees practicing for Shamarpa's swift return!