HH 17th Karmapa Teachings on Samantabhadra
, King of Aspiration Prayers- Offering
一,世間供養:以恭敬心,觀想所供實物,變得極其莊嚴。 二,出世供養,例如曼荼羅供養,觀念境界莊嚴。此又為禪定之淨觀。
There are two kinds of Offering, one is
Worldly and the other one is OtherWorldly. Regardless of which one of
Offerings, it has to be with absolute concentration of mind, and neither with
doubt nor expecting any gains or rewards.1) Worldly Offering, visualize the
tangible offerings in solemn way. 2) OtherWorldly Offering, for instance
Mandala Offering, visualization of settings and environment in extreme solemn.
This is Visualization of Meditation .