迎新除障,千手觀音紐聶閉關。大家遠到而來、參加法會, 弟子巧遇自己的生日,或是此生的佛法難遇,找到了另一個 新生而動容,抑或為探索不生的真理而生出使命?!
New Year Event ---Thousand-Armed Avalokiteshvara (Nyungnay) Retreat. Glad to see overseas devotees joining the puja. Student comes for retreat so happened is also her birthday. Co-incidence? Overjoy because precious dharma comes into this lifetime again ? Or Mission arises in the path of searching the Truth of everything is unborn .
New Year Event ---Thousand-Armed Avalokiteshvara (Nyungnay) Retreat. Glad to see overseas devotees joining the puja. Student comes for retreat so happened is also her birthday. Co-incidence? Overjoy because precious dharma comes into this lifetime again ? Or Mission arises in the path of searching the Truth of everything is unborn .