祈禱夏瑪巴乘願再來!在大家齊心協力中,已經念了超越一千萬的阿彌陀佛心咒~嗡 阿彌嗲哇希。再大寶法王來台的前夕,這真是一個吉祥的徵兆。
另外,期待與忙碌的曰子過了快一年,大寶法王終於在歡聲雷動之中,~在明天 ~11/28下午1:00,第四度來台了!
另外,期待與忙碌的曰子過了快一年,大寶法王終於在歡聲雷動之中,~在明天 ~11/28下午1:00,第四度來台了!
Over 10,000,000 "OM AMI DEWA HRIH" chanting for swift return of Shamarpa Rinpoche was recorded in DANA website
Sincere thanks to everyone who had contributed to this .
It is an auspicious sign right before H.H. Karmapa's coming to Taiwan.
Sincere thanks to everyone who had contributed to this .
It is an auspicious sign right before H.H. Karmapa's coming to Taiwan.
Time flies, it is almost the end of 2014. Arrival of H.H. Karmapa and His entourage at Terminal 1 of Tao Yuan International Airport around 1:00pm TOMORROW (28 November, Friday ) will raise the curtain of 2014 Karmapa Bodhisattva "Lotus Hall" visit . Treasure the precious opportunities of meeting His Holiness in person by warmly greeting H.H. Karmapa to Taiwan!