In lineage teachings on Nyungnay (special fasting practice) of One-Thousand-Armed Avaloki teshvara , there are Great Nagauna, Songzain Gambo and Gelongma Palmo. The place where photo taken is located in suburb area of Kathmandu. It is the place where Gelongma Palmo saw Avalokiteshvara and overcame severe illness of leprocy and attained enlightenment . Thereafter, she passed the methods and blessings of Nyungnay down through a lineage of great practitioners that continues to this day and benefits countless number of sentient beings. Due to cultural differences, though disciples practicing Eight Precepts wearing colorful costumes , their faith and respect to "Three Jewels" and in memory of Gelongma Palmo is undoubted .
十一面千手觀音斷食法有龍樹,松贊干布,具德比丘尼三大傳承, 此地位於加德滿都市郊帕聘,為具德比丘尼修行成就處,舍利塔等, 他親見觀世音菩薩,患得之麻瘋病亦當下痊癒,利樂無數有情。 直到現在仍有信眾自動參與八關齋戒,雖說各國習俗不同, 穿著大紅大紫,仍是表現出對於三寶的清淨信心, 與對比丘尼的懷念。