Vajrayana Buddhism is quite popular now a days; Shamar Rinpoche once said, “before one starts to learn Vajrayana Buddhism, one should have a foundation in studying under Chinese Mahayana Buddhism for more than twelve years." There are many skillful methods to help the disciples’ worldly affairs; the improvement comes rapidly and effectively. However, if the disciples do not understand the law of cause and effect or the law of karma, then they go astray easily. Because, if disciples came to their guru to request for a blessing in order to increase their wealth and then money really increases as a result, then the disciples’ confidence naturally rises. However, if their business fail or lose money, will they lose confidence in Buddha Dharma? So, the teachings such as "the law of cause and effect never errors", "all that one bears and receives will inevitably turn into suffering" are interchangable in both Vajrayana and Mahayana Buddhism. But today many disciples still do not understand this logic and do not recognize they have not accumulated enough merit to receive the blessings, but they only blame their guru for not having enough power to "turn things around."
A few years ago, I went with some friends to a Japanese Vajrayana temple and saw a Ragaraja statue. A friend who was anxious to get marry but had no prospect so far asked, “is Ragaraja in charge of match-making?" The other friend made fun of him and gave this answer, “so you mean that Mahamayuri must be in charge of controlling airplanes?" “If the motivation is not accurate, then the result must be torturous"; we see that this wise saying is easily ignored in this era of instant gratification. We should beware! Guarding one’s mind was also taught is Chinese Mahayana Buddhism such as to be content, to accept one’s fate, to recognize the law of cause and effect doesn’t err, all phenomena are impermanent, all phenomena are without ego-grasping, to practice the Six Paramitas and so on …, these teachings are enough to inspire us to live a stable and fulfilled life.
Tantric Buddhism consists indeed more skillful means to assist one to reach Buddhahood, but these methods, such as to pacify, to benefit, to care with loving-kindness and to remove one’s own defilement, are after all skillful means. Without working hard in the past, one just wishes to have good results, then there’s no justice.