Dear Dharma friends,

I have the privilege and honour to follow His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa and Shamarpa's guidance, and became a Buddhist monk in Bodhgaya in 2007. Subsequently I was given the task to set up and run the Bodhipath Buddhist center in Taichung in 2008, the aim of the center is to spread Buddha dharma teaching, learning the bodhisattva way by adopting the Bodhisattva's attitude, develop wisdom and practice to experience a clear and unobstructed nature of mind.

I have also started producing TV programs about Dharma teaching on Taiwan Dharma TV station since 2012, the topics cover teaching of Karma Kagyu lineage, Bodhicitta and other Dharma knowledge.

In 2013 I was assigned to be responsible for Dharma practice and teaching by Karmapa and Shamarpa in our new monastery in Hualian, Taiwan; from 2014 regular puja and events will be organised in both monasteries in Hualian and Taichung, including regular Nyongye practice (thousand arm chenrezig fasting program) White Tara Retreat as well as other retreat programs in the pipeline.

With pleasure I am producing these DVDs for distribution and sharing, I would appreciate any comment or feedback you might have for future improvement. In this trouble time we are most fortunate this auspicious teaching come to light, may the precious teachings radiate and flourish, may we bring forth our full effort together to work for a better future.

You are also welcome to visit our Google Blog: http:/

2009年7月28日 星期二



● 當有人決定要幫助如母的有情時,他一定要將目標確定,不要隨便更改,不屈不撓, 下定決心,無謂任何困難將目標達成。

● 假如有人欲証得罪究竟覺悟的佛果的話,首先,他一定要將自己的重要性與他人的重 要性換掉;先照顧別人的需要然後才照顧自己的需要,假如你沒有能力做到的話,那 麼最低限度亦應發願能做到。

● 對於惡性批評最佳的回應是慈愛與憐憫,假若我們以憤怒回應的話,便與批評者所為 一樣,這亦是我們的無明使然。以慈愛與悲憫來回應是不容易做到的,這便是為何我 要求你們依此來修的原因。

● 為了要對上師產生誠信,你們應該要了知他的覺悟特質,這些特質就是對一切眾生的 慈愛與悲憫心,當你遇上這些特質時,信心便會自然生起。一為上師是永不起餒地幫 助我們發展對他人的慈愛與悲憫心,這就是上師怎樣令我們的覺悟特質成長乃至成熟。

● 當有人對上師生起信心,那麼覺悟的特質便會傳達到他身上,當你經驗到這些特質後 ,信心亦會因而增強。

